Friday, February 27, 2009

Is there a perfect trip?

I think we should never ceases to ask fundamental questions about travel. What is travel? Why do we travel? Is there a perfect trip? There are no right or wrong answers. People travel for a variety of reasons, all perfectly valid. But one thing I know, the more I travel, the better I travel, the more I seem to be able to extract overall from the experience. I am not referring to business travel. I am referring to the sort of travel driven by the desire to venture into unknown territory, to learn and experience faraway lands, fueled by wanderlust, curiosity and love for this incredibly varied planet we live in. And the more I think about the ideal of a journey, the more I believe in people. The more I regard the people I meet along the way as the keys to understanding what’s happening, what’s the story, what’s special, what’s true… about wherever we are. Access to people, theirin lies the true magic of travel.

Miguel Cunat

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